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New at KCC

kc-collectadmin December 5, 2023 0 comments 3

Hello team self-care.

Listen!!!!!!! We have some exciting news for you…. really awesome news!!!!!!

Before we get to it, let’s take a moment to look back on our self care journey this year. Here are a few questions to reflect on.

  • What did you do differently?
  • How did you nurture your self?
  • Did you make new discoveries?
  • Did you have more adventures?
  • Did you meet new people?
  • How did you juggle your life work balance?
  • How did you interact with the people around you? Did you set and keep boundaries? Did you respect the boundaries of others?
  • Are you happy?

Reflecting on these questions is an opportunity to increase knowledge of self, recognise and understand your choices and perhaps even your standards. You’ll get a higher level of self awareness and this will promote in a good way your mental health.


We’ve finally had a new spot in Yaoundé for our private yoga sessions.

Located in the lush wellbeing center in Bastos Yaoundé, you sure will be thrilled to have a blissful time practicing yoga and meditation.

You’ll have more information as we make final arrangements but hey, cheers to anticipation.

In the meantime, stay put, practice lots of self care and follow us on social media for every nugget there is on how to improve your self care.

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