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5 Beginner Yoga Poses

kc-collectadmin May 10, 2023 0 comments 7

Hello here.

It’s been a while. We are here to give you a little nudge to remember a moment of  self care in your daily, no matter how small. Today, we’re on yoga. Have you introduced yoga into your self care routine yet? Well, if you haven’t, here is a simple sequence of asanas to get you started, It’ll take you 5 mins with 1 minute holding each each pose. But first, let’s lay the basics.

  1. Have a light meal at most 2 hours before you begin.
  2. Wear comfy clothing that will let you move and stretch without restrictions.
  3. Be prepared to be aware of your breath.




Mountain Pose; Tadasana

Standing, feet planted in the ground and weight spread evenly. Hold your abs to keep a firm posture, shoulders away from a straight neck and hands to the side. take 5 breaths.

Forward Fold; Uttanasana

Inhale and lift your hands to the sides and up. Exhale and fold your torso over your legs, slight bend in the knees, relaxing your neck, shoulders and arms. You might even want to sway gently from side to side; which is fine. Breath into the stretch of your hamstrings and hang out here for a moment.



Plank Pose ; Uttihita Chaturanga Dandasana

On your next inhale, plant your hands on the floor and step back with both legs. Press into your hands, firm. up your abs and keep your body parallel to the floor. Two possible variations are taking your knees to the floor and/or resting on your elbows instead of your hands. Take a few deep breaths.



Downward Facing Dog; Adho Mukha Svanasana

This pose is a mild inversion so be particularly mindful with your breath. From the plank, push into your hands and lift your hips to the sky. Keeping shoulders engaged but neutral, relaease your neck and keep your heels towards the grounds, legs straight. Breath. Pedal the feet if you feel tense, then hold for 5 breaths.



And finally, Child’s Pose; Balasana

This is a resting pose and will be our final for this sequence. From downward facing do, brings your knees to the floor wide apart. take your hips towards your heels and rest your chest towards the floor, your arms stretched out infront of you. Make the adjustments you need to ensure that your spine is in resting position. Breath.

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So, you tried it yes? Give us your impressions and don’t forget to have a wonderful week

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