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How to do a Tea Ritual.

kc-collectadmin December 7, 2023 0 comments 1

Welcome back to the posh self care blog bestie, I hope you are in top shape today.

Today we are spilling the tea on all there is to know about tea rituals and how to add that to your self care.

First and foremost, WHAT IS A TEA RITUAL? It is a ceremonial way of preparing and drinking tea that encourages presence and mindfulness. It can be practiced as self care as it encourages us to slow down, be fully present, and appreciate the present moment.

So how to do a tea ritual? On our Instagram Post here, we outlined the simple steps. Let’s get into a more practical approach with all the details you need.

1. Start with the cup. Get a beautiful mug or teacup that you love so that each time before you begin, it sets the mood. You can also have a collection of teacups that you gather over time. Be reassured, you do not need to have just one teacup for the ‘occasion’.

2. Choose your tea. It could be actual tea or a herbal blend commonly known as tisanes. We strongly recommend loose leaf tea as it is less processed and is quite flexible for use; you can determine quantity and concentration hence more economical.  Feel free to try out our loose tea KCC Tea and Tisane collection. Note that you can also use your favorite spices and herbs. Inspire yourself with some herbs outlined in this post from Instagram page. Be creative and explore.

3. Prepare your tea. Make sure you know how to brew your tea. For some, you will need to steep in boiling water for a while while others require just hot so that the flavors and taste are be enjoyed. Opt for tea infusers or kettles with infusers so that you do not have to manually sieve your loose leaf, although that is okay, just messier.

4. If you will like to include a meditation moment to your ritual, watch your tea brew. Observe the colours that diffuse as the tea leaves flavour and tint the water. As an option, choose a sweetener; sugar, honey, maple syrup or a fruit. Get a quiet spot and choose a moment of the day when you have the least distractions. It could be early in the morning, during break at work or in the evenings before bed. Just be sure to get about 30 mins at least from preparation through meditation and sipping.

There you go. You have all the details to an easy peasy self care ritual you can do with just tea.

If you want to customise your blends and you aren’t sure what the brewing technique is, reach out in the comment section either below or via our social media inbox, either Instagram or Facebook. We’ll be sure to provide some insight within 4 business days.

Sip consciously, get comfortable, relax and indulge in the moment.

If you try it, share with us your experience. Enjoy

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