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Self-Care Basics. What is self-care.

kc-collectadmin January 10, 2023 0 comments 1

If you are wondering why self-care became such a highlight in recent years, it is quite simple to understand. The world is currently fast paced with a heavier burden on workers to deliver results, on non-workers to find a source of income to sustain themselves in a capitalist economy, on parents to be intentional about the security and wellbeing of their offspring and on relationships to slow down and communicate properly. The result of these varies on individuals in the form of stress, depression, anxiety or a combination of all these, and that, on the daily.

Engaging in self-care has been clinically proven to reduce or eliminate anxiety and depression, reduce stress, improve concentration, minimise frustration and anger and improve energy.

Now what is self-care? In a simple way, self-care means taking care of yourself and doing what’s holistically healthy for you on any given day. Talk of all the forms and relate. The beauty of it is that it is determined by the individual and contributes in a significant way to wellness, wellbeing and health.

The act of self-care is not merely something you indulge in for your happiness but rather, the notion that you give yourself the opportunity to slow down, be intentional and do something which benefits either your present or future self. For example, reading a chapter of a book right now is the opportunity to be still, calm your senses and educate or entertain yourself while doing that, it benefits you in the present. On the same level, taking out time to read a chapter off your law book may not necessarily be gratifying now but will benefit your future self that will have to take a test for it.


There are plenty of ways to include self-care in various areas of your life.

  • It can be Social self-care; building or cutting off connections with friends and family for your wellbeing.
  • It can be Financial self-care; focusing your time and energy on your current financial needs and situation, making concrete plans and goals to cultivate a better financial future, and find ways to support a healthy money mindset.
  • Mental self-care which stimulates mental activities, for example, solving a puzzle or choosing positive thoughts.
  • Emotional self-care is harnessing processes which make us aware of our emotions and how to cope with them in healthy ways, for example, talking to a trusted friend or a professional, taking a break.
  • Spiritual self-care although obvious, is hardly practised. It involves developing a deeper sense of meaning, understanding or connection with yourself in relation to a divinity you serve.

And finally, the one most widely practised, Physical self-care which is building a connection with your body and attending to physical needs: getting enough sleep, nourishment, exercise, aesthetics and health.

On that note, it is very feasible to practise self-care every day, it is in the little things. Any questions, recommendations, additions or just stuff to share? Don’t hesitate to drop it on the blog. It might even inspire future content. You found this helpful, please share. Until the next.

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